Paperless Auto Transactions: The Way of the Future

In the next few years, the auto industry will be turning a little greener as dealerships move from paper transactions to electronic documents

According to Wards Auto, car dealerships are beginning to utilize e-transactions, even letting customers use electronic signatures instead of signing a paper document. Filing cabinets will become computer file folders and external hard drives. Documents can be password protected, and there will be less risk of sensitive customer information being stolen.

While this all sounds well and good, many dealerships will not start using e-transactions for another couple of years. Running a successful dealership is hectic enough, and it is tough to find the time to learn a whole new way of processing transactions, not to mention training staff how to do it as well. However, there are several compelling reasons why dealerships need to make the time to learn and train how to process paperless transactions.

First, as stated before, it is more secure for the customer. Paper documents are easier to steal and can be damaged or destroyed in a fire, flood, or other severe weather. They also require much less storage space. Thousands of transactions documents can be stored on a hard drive compared to bulky filing cabinets.

Secondly, paperless transactions are more environmentally friendly and cost-effective. Dealerships can spend less money on paper, ink, and other printing supplies, and they can brag that the dealership has gone green.

Finally, electronic documents are the way of the future. At some point, dealerships will have to get on board. By continuing with business as usual, they are just delaying the inevitable and letting their competition get a head-start. The dealerships that learn paperless transactions now will have a decided advantage later on.

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